Scanning of Towns and Municipalities in the Region – New eKapija Product

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 14.07.2020. 14:55
(Photo: eKapija)
The eKapija business portal has launched the project of scanning towns and municipalities in the region. It begins today, in cooperation with the Representation of Republika Srpska in Serbia, with a short trip to Herzegovina: the first town on our scanner is Trebinje.

We designed the project with the aim of promoting economic, investment, tourist, science, cultural, sports... human potentials of all local communities in our entire region, so as to open another venue of opportunities for investments and the strengthening of the economy on a local level.

In addition to the fact that the business people who receive eKapija's newsletters will gain insight into the capacities for cooperation and new investments, this will be a good guide for everyone planning vacations, fairs, educational visits, congresses, or maybe moving to another place, because – you never know, it's all very near and dear to our heart.

Most importantly, though – the times are difficult and every job opportunity and idea is invaluable.

In the first newsletter within this project, you will get to know Trebinje, a town on the far south of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and learn a lot about its history, culture, tradition, economy and tourist offer. You will be able to read in detail about the investment plans of Elektroprivreda RS, about the agrarian potential of southern Herzegovina, announcements of new investments in the industrial and the food sector, and in special branches of the economy.

We also present the best wineries from this area, whose labels proudly display world awards, entrepreneurs who are turning more and more to beekeeping and fruit farming, as well as hotel managers who are competing to provide guests with the best experience.

We hope that this will draw you to Trebinje, in a business or a tourist capacity, whether out of interest or out of curiosity. If it does, we've succeeded.

We are looking forward to meeting other towns and municipalities in RS soon, and then – beyond RS as well.

The entire Trebinje newsletter can be seen HERE.
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