Source: Novosti | Sunday, 25.12.2022.| 13:07
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Industrial Zone in Kikinda Ready for Investors – Five Parcels Available

Illustration (Photo: Mansukhani)
With the help of the Ministry of Economy, the City of Kikinda has developed a new industrial zone, Rasadnik, which is part of the customs-free zone “Subotica”, with a total gross area of 22.6 hectares.

Full infrastructure has been built in this location: roads, gas, water and TC installations, rainwater sewer and lighting. The construction was financed by the Ministry of Economy and the City of Kikinda, each providing a half of the total amount of RSD 80 million.

– The advantages of this location are that it has a connection with the state roads 13 and 15 and that it is located on the route of the future fast road Backi Breg-Sombor-Kikinda-Nakovo. The zone is close to an international railway, with a possibility of a separate track, and the terminal on the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal is only a kilometer away. At the moment, this is the most attractive location for potential investors – says Nikola Lukac, the mayor of Kikinda.

Bicycle lanes have already been built in the Industrial Zone Rasadnik, and next year, public lighting will be installed in its proximity, more precisely, from the Sumica roundabout to the zone itself. This will also provide adequate lighting for the entrance to Kikinda. For this purpose, the city received a grant of RSD 55.4 million from the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government. The city also received support from EPS for the installation of a substation of 5 MW, which cost a total of RSD 33 million. A waste water treatment facility remains to be built.

– Five parcels are available to potential investors – says Jelena Bajic Ivetic, the secretary of the Secretariat for Urban Planning, Unified Procedure and City Development.

Mayor Lukac says that local and foreign companies are interested in building facilities in this location and the city will give advantage to those who have the most modern technology and who require better educated workforce.

– We want investors with a highly developed technology, which, while requiring better qualified workers, also offer higher salaries. We believe that this is how we can convince the young people of Kikinda to stay in their city and for some of them to maybe return from other places or from abroad in order to find a good job – Lukac explains.

For the investors that would operate in the Industrial Zone Rasadnik, which is part of the customs-free zone “Subotica”, territory of Kikinda, another advantage would be that they wouldn’t pay customs and other customs fees if they produced goods for export here.

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