Agreement signed on use of methane from landfill in Nis - Italy's Amest invests in CDM projects in Serbia

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 28.06.2011. 09:53

Mayor of Nis Milos Simonovic and President of the Italian company Amest Felice Scoccimaro signed on June 27 in the presence of Serbian Minister of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning Oliver Dulic the Agreement on preparation of project documentation and implementation of CDM project at Bubanj landfill in Nis.

Dulic explained that the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) involved the application of gas emission reduction projects in countries that had signed the Kyoto Protocol and said that the project in Nis would solve the problem of the methane accumulated in the old part of the landfill, an ecological bomb for that city.

He said that that project would enable the use of that methane in the production of energy while simultaneously reducing the emission of gases and greenhouse effect, thus contributing a lot to the fight against climate changes.

Italian Ambassador to Serbia Armando Varricchio said that that agreement should encourage all stakeholders to implement CDM projects, adding that Italian companies were asking for a clear legal framework for investment in the business.

Varricchio said that Italy was interested in participating in those projects and that the Nis region was of special importance.

Mayor of Nis Milos Simonovic said that Nis was the first city in Serbia to begin implementing the Kyoto Protocol, adding that the use of methane to make electricity sent a message to all interested parties in Serbia that they should invest in green technologies.

He expressed a hope that other cities and municipalities would soon follow the example of Nis and use all available resources in the field of renewable energy sources.
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