Around 1 Million Tons of Flour and Wheat and 3.2 Million Tons of Corn More for Export

Source: Beta Thursday, 10.12.2020. 15:20
(Photo: Timmary/
Serbia has around a million tons of wheat and flour and 3.2 million tons of corn for export, said Vukosav Sakovic, a representative of the Grain and Oil Plant Production and Export Association “Zita Srbije”.

He told Beta that, in 2020, around 260,000 tons of wheat and 50,000 tons of flour had been exported and that another 900,000 tons of wheat and around 100,000 tons of flour more needed to be exported so that the traders would get rid of the surplus quantities.

– Local traders of wheat are waiting to sell, so that the prices of wheat in the local and the foreign market would equalize, because the price in the world market is around a dinar lower than in the local one – Sakovic said.

A more intensive trade with wheat will start, as he said, on January 10, and it will be sold, regardless of the fact that their owners might not be satisfied with the price, because they will need to get rid of the surplus quantities and empty the storage capacities for the next harvest, Sakovic said.

He added that a kilogram of wheat in the local market went for 20.20 to 20.80 dinars in the local market and that smaller quantities were also sold at 20.80 to 21.50 dinars.

A small quantity of flour, around 50 tons a month, of special kinds, integral, rye, buckwheat and other types, has been going to the markets of America, Australia and Canada since a year and a half ago.
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