Concessionaires sought for geological explorations and exploitation of minerals at Maljat, Bijelo Polje and Stupne sites

Source: eKapija Monday, 06.01.2020. 09:33
Illustration (Photo: rtem/
The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has opened a public invitation for bids for a concession for detailed geological explorations and exploitation of architectural-construction and technical-construction rocks at the Maljat site in the municipality of Danilovgrad.

As said, for the purpose of preparing the concession act, the geodetic company Etalon Geo Office from Podgorica has prepared a technical report with the coordinates of the border points of the exploration-exploitation area of the Maljat site. Within the plan of KO Podglavice and KO Martinici with a scale of 1:2500, on the land which features the Maljat site, a concession area is defined with seven border points with set coordinates of the state coordinate system and a surface of 131,441.96 m2.

The bid submission deadline is February 6, 2020, at 10 am, whereas the public opening of the bids will be held on the same date at 11 am.

The ministry has also opened a tender for detailed geological explorations and exploitation of bentonite at the Bijelo Polje site in the territory of the municipality of Bar.

The plan of KO Gluhi Do with a scale of 1:2000, on the land which features the bentonite site, a concession area is defined with 149 border points with set coordinates of the state coordinate system and a surface of 135,889.89 m2.

The bids are to be submitted by February 13, 2020, at 10 am, and their public opening is scheduled for the same date at 11 am.

Finally, the Ministry of Economy has also opened a tender for detailed geological explorations and exploitation of non-metallic technical-construction rocks in the Stupne location in the Municipality of Kotor.

Eligible tenderers are local and foreign companies, entrepreneurs or natural persons, as well as the consortia which meet the requirements. The bid submission deadline is February 20, 2020, at 10 am. The public opening of the bids is scheduled for the same date at 11 am.
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