Goran Galić, Director of company "Schindler" in Belgrade - "Beograđanka" has the fastest elevator in the Balkans

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 09.12.2009. 16:06

"The apartment is on the second floor of the building in 52 Miloša Velikog Street, and it can be reached by broad white stairs, which are now cracked and truncated, or by 'Schindler' that, as some old she-ass, slowly and sullenly, but still safely, drags overweight tenants to their destination", this is how Slobodan Selenić described an elevator made by Swiss manufacturer in his novel "Očevi i oci". We don't know if that was the building in which the first "Schindler" was installed, but what we do know is that the first such elevator was installed in Belgrade in 1937. Today, 72 years later, two up-to-date elevators are transporting visitors of the Avala Tower to the belvedere and the restaurant in the booths that look like space shuttles in less than a minute, while the symbol of our capital city - Beograđanka building, has the honor to have the fastest elevators in the Balkan, which are, of course, made by "Schindler".

The elevators in Beograđanka and on the Avala Tower are in the category of "intelligent elevators" because they use the revolutionary system of traffic management, which leads the passengers to their destination quicker than any other elevator control system. By grouping the passengers that move towards the same floor, device "Miconic 10" reduces the number of stops and, thus, improves the efficiency of the elevator system.

Tradition, quality, innovations and, what is the most important, security are the main characteristics of "Schindler" products, which are in use in Serbia for decades. Opening of the company in Belgrade is the proof that the world's largest manufacturer of conveyor belts and escalators and the world's second biggest manufacturer of elevators has long-term plans for the operations in our country.

Goran Galić, the CEO of company "Schindler" in Belgrade, says in the interview for "eKapija" that the company's plans are to offer complete services to the people in Serbia - consulting services in planning, delivery, assembling, installation and maintenance of escalators, conveyor belts and elevators.

In order for such serious plan to be completed, it is necessary, according to Mr. Galić, that the number of employees be doubled, which should happen at the beginning of the next year.

(Goran Galić)

- "Schindler" group, which employs 45,000 people and has annual income of 15 billion CHF, has decided to open a local company in this market because much is expected from Serbia. We are working with the distributors in Serbia. However, our plan is to do major part of the work in the future by ourselves and in cooperation with the most reliable partners. We also plan to double the number of employees in order to make the sectors for planning, installation and maintenance of equipment stronger - says Galić and points out that the company's most reliable partner at the moment is "Balkan lift".

Goran Galić says that this year's results of the company are satisfying, but that they can always be better.

They are currently engaged in installation of elevators in Business Center Rebrača in Sombor, implementation of projects in Montenegro, as well as replacement of elevators in "Grand" hotel and suite complex "Konaci" on Kopaonik mountain. The users of "Schindler" elevators and escalators are trade centers "Delta City" in Podgorica and Belgrade, the business building within "Belville" complex, shopping mall "Ušće", GTC, Airport "Nikola Tesla", Military Medical Academy.

Mr. Galić welcomes the announcement of massive residential development in Serbia, which would, in his opinion, set the whole building industry in motion.

- The whole building operative is on hold. The current volume of works amounts to only about 25% of the works in 2008. There are no large projects, while implementation of the announced projects is postponed until some better days arrive. Massive residential development, which is announced by the state, would represent a great opportunity for many companies in the field of civil engineering to survive and operate without losses. However, what must be avoided are delays in collecting of claims, especially when the state is in the role of the investor – Galić explains.

Mr. Galić also points out that the replacement of elevators in Belgrade and Serbia is necessary because most of them are older than 30.

- The City Housing Company in Belgrade should be put in charge of that because the use of old elevators endangers the security of passengers. Besides, Serbia must be brought in accord with the SNEL initiative (Safety Norm for Existing Lifts), which is suggested by European Union, and that means that every lift must meet certain standards. Therefore, some elevators will have to be replaced, while the others will only need to be modified.

Regional expansion

Company "Šindler" plans further expansion in this and neighboring markets.

- We have implemented large number of projects in Montenegro. That market is interesting because, besides large investors, small investors who build smaller units are also very active. Although Montenegro is smaller than Serbia in size, demand for our products and services in that country is huge – says Galić.

Schindler Award 2010

The interest of young architects and civil engineers from Serbia in participation in "Schindler Award 2010", one of the most prestigious European competitions, is significant. The largest number of students who have applied for participation are from the Faculty in Niš, and the competition is open prior to April 2010.

The central theme of "Schindler Award 2010" is "Access for All", which is the philosophy of design that is characterized by inclusiveness and barrier-free mobility for people of all ages and capabilities. The competition is an excellent opportunity for students to have their designs judged by a professional jury.

- For this year's competition, the students will have the task to transform a part of the Olympic park in Berlin into a pleasant, functional and free park for sport and relaxation. Students must redevelop the place that would comprise sports facilities, outdoor theaters, parking lots, as well as new access route that would lead from the nearby urban station – says Galić.


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