Turkish company Feka Automotive to build car component plant in Cuprija – Investment worth EUR 15 million, jobs for 110 people

Source: Beta Sunday, 14.10.2018. 13:31
Illustration (Photo: Nataliya Hora/shutterstock.com)Illustration
Turkish company Feka Automotive, which produces car parts, will start building a plant in Cuprija by the end of the year, stated the president of the municipality, Ninoslav Eric. The investment is worth EUR 15 million, and 110 workers will be employed initially.

The memorandum of understanding, by which four hectares of land in the Industrial Zone in Cuprija will be given to the Turkish corporation Feka Automotive for the construction of the factory, was signed on Saturday, October 13, 2018, at the official session on the occasion of the Day of the Municipality, by Eric and the chairman of the Managing Board of the Turkish company, Ferit Karslioglu.

Eric said that the investment was important for all citizens of Cuprija.

– This is a big investment for Curpija, as the plan is to have up to a thousand workers employed at the plant eventually. Initially, we will employ 110 people. The factory will be in the location of the Industrial Zone which we have equipped with the help of the Republic of Serbia – Eric said.

Feka Automotive is a family company which has been producing parts and components for the auto-industry for 30 years now, primarily lighting signalization, interior lights, rearview mirrors and water tanks.

In the past year, representatives of the company have visited 12 municipalities in Serbia and decided to build the factory in Cuprija.

At the official session on the occasion of the Day of the Municipality and the WW2 Liberation Day of Cuprija, awards and plaques were handed out to institutions and individuals that have contributed to the development of the town.

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