Conference "Future of capital market in the Balkans" in Belgrade, answers to questions related to investments, privatization, stock exchange, law regulations in SCG and in the Balkans

Source: eKapija Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:48

After successfully realized annual meeting of European Bank for Rehabilitation and Development, Serbia, i.e. Belgrade will be the host to the First Annual Conference "Future of capital market in the Balkans", which will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 6 and 7, 2005, in Hyatt hotel with the beginning at 9 AM.

At the conference, which is organized by NIP "E Press", publisher of magazine Ekonomist, the subjects will be development of capital market in transition period, securities, way of earning of capital on stock exchange and attracting of foreign investors to the Balkans. It will be also spoken about passing of law regulations related to aforementioned fields and construction of stimulative environment for investors in Serbia and Montenegro and the region of Southeast Europe. Also, the answers will be given to questions such as: Which are the kew challenges during the organization changes and business doing on the stock exchange, what is the difference in law regulations in the region of Western Balkans concerning securities, trade in securities and trade in debt, what is the position and influence of the brokers and broker companies. The conference will also bring presentation of good examples that will be needed by SCG in order to become "safer" environment for investments.

As it is announced at the press conference, the speakers at which were Igor Vukotić, director of company Ilirika Investments, Aleksej Misailović, director of Center for Capital market – Privatization Agency, Zoran Stefanović, director of NIP "E press", Jack Barbanel, president of Media International Group, Dragijana Radonjić-Petrović, general director of M & V Investment and Aleksandar Mališić, director of brokerage department of Raiffeisen bank, the conference will be opened by vice-president of the Government of Serbia, Miroljub Labus, in presence of the experts in field of business, banking, stock exchange and management from country and abroad. Some of the speakers will be Vida Uzelac, director of Central Registry of Serbia, Gordana Dostanić, director of Belgrade Stock Exchange, Aleksandar Gračanac, director of Share Fund of Serbia, Igor Lukšić, Minister of Finance of Montenegro, John Tompson, financial adviser, OECD, Ana Duran, executive director, SNCDD S.A, Romania, Milko Štimac, president of the Securities Commission, Zoran Đikanović, President of Securities Commission, Montenegro, Apostol Apostolov, president of the Commission for Financial Supervision, Bulgaria, Ljubiša Vladušić, vice-guvernor of Central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aleksandar Vlahović, "Eki - investment, principal", Božidar Đelić, Altis Consultin, Denis Fudurić, Interfinance Ltd. Croatia.

You can read what some of the participant say before the First Annual Conference "Future of capital market in the Balkans"?

Aleksandar Gračanac, director of Share Fund of Serbia:

- Global trends of the world economy today are the result of high level of development of capital market. The region of the Balkans has unique opportunity to take part in global financial processes by means of European integrations, intensive creating of institutional conditions for attracting of direct, financial investors and developing of capital market. For that purpose, this first annual conference has ambitious aim, which is summing of former results in process of attracting of foreign direct investments and privatization, as well as taking of initial steps toward construction of respectable economic environment -

Aleksandar Vlahović, “Eki – investment”

- Economic integration of the Balkans cannot be imagined without stronger and more efficient bonding of the capital market. Therefore, the significance of the conference on Future of capital market in the Balkans is very complex. This will be the opportunity, for the first in integral way, to find out about existing level of the development of capital market, level of development of regulatory institutions, problems characteristic to the transition countries. It is very important to recognize key, joint risks related to attracting of foreign investments, as well as advantages offered by the Balkans to the investors. I am of the opinion that the experiences of other countries from the Balkans, which are today in mature phase of the economic transition, will much contribute to more efficient development of the capital market in Serbia -

Ana Duran, director of SNCDD S.A., Romania

- The First Conference on future of the capital market in the Balkans is good opportunity for collecting of the latest information on business in the region, as well as for discovery of the best way for connecting of investors with the investments. That will be the right place for meeting of professional in the field of the capital market and they will be able to exchange their experiences and find solution for improvement of the capital market.

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