Source: eKapija | Thursday, 01.01.1970.| 14:52
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Multicon engineering Belgrade - the fastest growing company in the region involved in project planning and consulting in real estate investments

(Ilija Trbovic)

MULTICON engineering with head office in Belgrade, is one of the fastest growing companies in the region involved in project planning and consulting services, when we're talking about complexed public and industrial objects. It was founded in 2002, and right from the beginning it was one of the rare companies in Serbia offering complete service in investment construction, from finding locations, project planning, providing usage licence, choosing contractors - consulting, management of construction and professional supervising.

- Business orientation of MULTICON engineering is based on domestic and international market, with constant improvement of knowledge and quality of running the business, in order to make competitive advantage. Its power is made of people, before all - 160 highly trained experts ready to offer complete services according highest european and world standards, stated Mr Ilija Trbovic, Marketing director of this company, in the beginning of the interview with editors of eKapija.

So far MULTICON engineering realized over 100 objects in Serbia, Russia, Ughanda, England, Marocco, Switzerland, Montenegro and BiH.

Plaza Center Kragujevac
Plaza Center Kragujevac

- In 2008 we made significant growth in all parameters. In comparison to the last year, the business has increased by 8 times, and the profit 3 times. Because of larger extent and expansion of the business, we have opened our offices in Russia, Croatia and Montenegro. At the moment, MULTICON engineering is project planning 700.000 square meters in 4 states, and is supervising construction of about 300,000 square meters. Out of all our projects, I would mention Plaza center in Kragujevac and in Belgrade, II phase of Airport city in New Belgrade, business center in Block 11a in New Belgrade, two factories for foreign investors, both with 30.000 square meters of construction area, hyper-markets in Montenegro, as well as preparation of technical-construction documentation and professional supervision for reconstruction of Adler airport in Socije. Besides this large international project, in which we are involved in partnership with "Strabag" foreign company, it is also in realization project planning and supervision over construction of hotels network all over Russia. Hotels are categorized with 3 and 4 stars and their operators would mostly be chains like "Holiday Inn" and "Park Inn". Works on the hotel in Volgograd have already begun, and besides this hotel, MULTICON engineering will also make projects for hotels in Tula, Omask, Kazanj, Ekaterinburg, Niznji Novgrod, Ufa, Saratov, Tomsk and Kalingrad, Ilija Trbovic emphasised especially, and added:

- The Russian market of investment construction represents great challenge and priority in our future business activities. In the coming period, MULTICON engineering is planning to expand its business on the entire therritory of the Russian federation, and to make cooperation ith new local partners, and also make even better cooperation with existing ones.

Hotel in the Block 11a
Hotel in the Block 11a

- Regarding hotels, one thing that makes MULTICON engineering unique at the market of these services is complete management of all law regulations and standards in hotel construction, regardless weather it is reconstruction of the existing or construction of small hotels (for 30-50 persons) or grand hotels for world hotel brands.

About Multicon marketing

- Our company is from the start set on healthy basis, where it is expected from every employee to offer maximum contribution and responsibility. The entire effort of the marketing is directed towards offering support to business strategy and branding. We are trying to create out of Multicon engineering a brand which is different from the others, in its organization philosophy, and in the variety of services and offers in relation to our competition. Parallel to that, we are trying to focus at what we do best.

Expectations and prognosis of the economic situation in the coming year

- Financial crisis is slowly moving to our country as well, but first effects will be seen in the Spring. That's why I expect that most of our activities in the next year would be project planning, besides already started projects of construction. Most important is that in the coming recession we keep good relations with our clients and partners.

We see the crisis only as one more reason to improve our business, requestion our strategy, target markets and areas of activities. Our goal is not to survive, but to become stronger and more dominant at the market, said Mr.Trbovic.

(Airport city)

Plan for 2009

Next year, we are planning to open an office in Kragujevac, as we already agreed on project planning and undertaking of works for more than 200.000 square meters, in this city. We are exploring and analysing several other markets in the region, therefore in the close future, we are expecting to open another representative office abroad, Ilija Trbovic siad with optimisim, finishing the interview with the editors of eKapija.

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