When software runs business – the third "IDC EAS Forum Adriatics" held in Belgrade

Source: eKapija Thursday, 01.01.1970. 14:23

The fact that the integrated business solutions, document management systems and business intelligence are not only the future, but also the key necessity, with which modern companies more and more often meet, has been confirmed by numerous experts who pointed to all advantages of such “upgrading” of business processes at "IDC EAS Forum" on November 23, 2006.

Speaking to the present at the opening of that meeting in Belgrade’s Yugoslav Drama Theater (JDP), the manager of company "IDC Adriatics" for the market of Serbia, Milovan Matijević, pointed out that the money the local companies set aside for the introduction of modern software systems, which would manage all their information, data and processes, gradually increased during the last few years, but he said that it was still insufficient and much behind the countries from the nearest surrounding.

- The value of IT market in Serbia currently amounts to 318m USD and it is estimated that we will reach the level at which Hungary is now in some six or seven years –Matijević explained.

Several regional leaders represented their business results and the achievements in the field of production and implementation of modern ERP and EAS software packages at the forum.

The development and maintenance manager in the renowned Croatian software company "PIS", Vladimir Zbodulja, informed the present on the key characteristics of program solution "IPIS+" (Integral business information system).

After short representation of the company, Marko Perović, the manager of company NPS Ltd. Belgrade, dedicated major part of his presentation to the most often mistakes during the selection and implementation of business solutions, advices and recommendations that reduce the risk of introduction of business solutions to a minimum.

The most observed presentations were held by vice president of Slovenian company "Datalab" Andrej Mertelj and general manager of "Datalab Srbija" Ivan Dimov, who represented integrated business system "PANTHEON". There are also the manager of company "IIB" Dušan Bošnjak, as well as technical manager of Novi Sad-based company "M&I Systems" Nikola Balaban and the project manager Nebojša Keljević.

- What "M&I Systems" offers today are integrated software solutions "MIS 3" and "MIS 4", on the development of which we work for 12 years. These are modern ERP systems intended for mid-sized and large companies and, in addition to them, our offer also includes software packages "BIS" (Banking Information System), "STRATEG" (System of Support in Decision Making in Strategic Business) and the package of systems for development of business intelligence – "DATA Warehouse", "OLAP" and "DATA Mining" –Balaban pointed out.

In addition, the EAS system “Avizo” of company “Saga Infotech” was also on the forum “menu”. According to the words of the representatives of that company, this system enables above-average security of data, high level of integration of operations, flexibility, scalability and simpler management of business processes.

I. A.

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