Construction of New Taxiway and Additional Parking Area for Airplanes at Nis Constantine the Great Airport

Source: eKapija Friday, 02.02.2024. 11:16
(Photo: Studija o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu projekta izgradnja rulne staze sa pripadajućom izolovanom pozicijom za parkiranje vazduhoplova na aerodromu Konstantin Veliki u Nišu)
The company Aerodromi Srbije (Airports of Serbia) has filed to the Ministry of Environmental Protection the request for giving approval to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project of the construction of a taxiway with an accompanying isolated position for the parking of airplanes at the Nis Constantine the Great Airport.

The designer of the project of the taxiway and the position for the parking of the planes, NEO Aerodromes Engineering Beograd, has entrusted the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study to the company ENVICO Beograd.

The total length of the axis of the taxiway will amount to 1,680 m.

The expansion of the platform enables an increase in the capacities of the airport. The new platform, with its structural and exploitation characteristics, enables the handling of the largest aircraft with the code letter E, while establishing traffic safety and an unobstructed process of handling the aircraft, passengers and goods. The platform can be used for commercial planes with code letters A, B, C, D and E. The expansion enables the forming of 9 primary and 11 alternative parking positions.

Let us remind that the airport in Nis is also getting a new terminal building, which, according to the director of Aerodromi Srbije, Mihajlo Zdravkovic, should be completed and opened at the end of summer this year.
(Photo: Aerodromi Srbije)

I. Z.

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