Construction of public garage in Kragujevac by end of 2011 - Parking Servis invests EUR 1.35 million

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 06.07.2011. 14:17


The public utility company Parking Servis (Parking Service) in Kragujevac plans to invest EUR 1.35 million in the construction of a public garage for 200 automobiles. For that purpose the company intends to take out an investment loan, for which it announced a tender on July 1st.

Immediately upon choosing the bank that will provide the funds for the works, Parking Servis in Kragujevac will announce a tender for the contractor, which is also expected to acquire the project. The preliminary architectural solution for the garage has been designed by the Project Bureau of Parking Servis in Belgrade.

Construction of this 6,500-square-meter facility in Kneza Milosa street will significantly reduce the problems experienced by the citizens of Kragujevac when trying to park their vehicles in the city center. Parking places will be built under the ground, on the ground floor, as well as on five overground floors.

- We expect the works to commence before October this year. It should not take long to build the garage because such construction works do not require big excavations. Also, the necessary sounding works on the terrain have already been completed. We believe that the garage will be finished by the year's end – people at Parking Servis in Kragujevac told eKapija.
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