State Selling Bonds Worth Nearly EUR 1 Billion to Finance EXPO 2027 Project

Source: eKapija Thursday, 19.10.2023. 15:21
(Photo: Siniša Mali/ Instagram)
At the Government session held on September 28, the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decision on the issue of an eight-year benchmark government bond in the amount of 110 billion dinars, announced the Public Debt Administration.

By selling the benchmark bond, the Republic of Serbia will provide funds to support infrastructure projects within the specialized world exhibition "EXPO Belgrade 2027", which will be organized in Belgrade in 2027, the press release says.

The eight-year benchmark bond will be offered at auctions in 2023 and 2024, starting on October 24, 2023, when the first auction will be held.

Both domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals can participate in the auctions, through authorized participants.

The minimum amount of government securities that can be purchased by one legal entity or natural person at an auction is five pieces.

The maximum value of government bonds that can be purchased by one legal entity or natural person by competitive orders in the auction phase is 50% of the total volume of the issue, i.e. the volume of the auction at the reopening of the issue.

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