Bulgaria Planning Construction of Hydrogen Transport Network

Source: Energija Balkana Saturday, 19.08.2023. 12:45
Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock/Audio und werbung)Illustration
The Bulgarian gas operator Bulgartransgaz plans to include hydrogen in its gas network and it is currently carrying out a survey about the interest of the consumers for the use of this zero-emission energy source, which should replace natural gas. Based on the results, the company will do projects for the adaptation of the existing gas network, that is, for the construction of new infrastructure.

According to the ten-year strategy of Bulgartransgaz, Bulgaria is looking at the construction of the infrastructure for the transporting of hydrogen. Accordingly, the surveying of potential users about the interest for the use of capacities in the state operator’s gas network is in progress.

This company has been preparing for a long time to include hydrogen in its gas network. In April, the gas operator hired a consultant to analyze the suitability of parts of its network for the transport of hydrogen – by mixing in 5 to 20% with natural gas, as well as the amount of the investments required for certain facilities to be reconstructed to that end. The Dutch company Rosen Europe has been hired for this job and will get EUR 280,000 for its services.

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