Djedovic: We Will Get 350 New Megawatts in New Thermal Power Plant in 2023

Source: Beta Monday, 31.10.2022. 15:36
Illustration (Photo: west cowboy/
The minister of mining and energy of Serbia, Dubravka Djedovic, has stated that the priority in the first 100 days of the work of the Government of Serbia will be to ensure the security and the stability of the energy supply, that is, to make it through the winter, to keep people’s homes warm and to have a power supply without any cuts.

As said, on Saturday and Sunday, some thermal power plants already carried out heating tests, whereas the company Beogradske elektrane (Belgrade Power Plants) started the tests this morning, and from tomorrow, all the central heating systems in Serbia are to enter the regular heating regime.

She also specified that the thermal power plant in Obrenovac was at an efficiency rate of 60% and that the aim was for it to be raised, because it would mean that there would be no electricity imports.

– Whether we will import energy this winter depends on the production, the consumption and the prices in the global market. Our reserves are full of energy sources, we can buy additional quantities when the prices drop, and then save them for unforeseen situations. It is important to save whenever we can. More lightbulbs on do not mean anything to us individually, but they mean savings for all of us – the energy minister emphasized for RTS.

Djedovic repeated that no power or gas price increases were planned and that the state subsidized both.

– In 2023, we will get 350 new MW in the new thermal power plant, which is supposed to be completed and that is important for the stability of the system. It is important for us to connect, to complete the gas interconnection with Bulgaria and to build an interconnection with North Macedonia. In order to focus on projects which can be completed fast, we need oil pipelines – said Djedovic.

She emphasized that it was necessary to still work on renewable energy sources, but also on reversible power plants, such as Bistrica and Djerdap 3, because, without that, there’s no energy security of Serbia either.

– For a start, let’s make it through the winter. There’s a war on the European continent, which is, to an extent, an energy war – minister Djedovic concluded.

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