Jelašić: NBS allowed continuation of work to all leasing companies, three new leasing companies soon

Source: Danas Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:01

All 13 leasing companies that operate on our market obtained the agreement from the National Bank of Serbia on continuation of work, because they all brought their operations in accord with the regulations from the changed Law on financial leasing – said Governor of NBS Radovan Jelašić.

It is expected that NBS will soon issue the license to the newly founded company Sogelease Srbija. Another two requests of the newly founded leasing companies are being processed at the moment, so that, most probably, 16 leasing companies will operate on the market of Serbia in 2006, 13 of which, including TBI Leasing, were founded in 2003.

Pointing to the omissions in the former work of leasing companies, Jelašić said that, in spite of the fact the Law prescribed that the subject of the leasing can only be movable property and real estates, the leasing had often be used for procurement of consumer goods and the banks, escaping the credit limits, had found their way out in the leasing. Because of that, NBS prescribed that the minimum value of the goods procured on leasing must be €2,000, as well as that the deposit of at least 20% must be paid when such credits are approved and that monthly installment must not exceed one third of net incomes of the leasing user.

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