This Is What Boats for River Public Transport in Belgrade Will Look Like

Source: eKapija Thursday, 28.04.2022. 10:53
(Photo: Beoinfo)
The deputy mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesic, has announced what the boats for the river public transport will look like.

– Public transport on the Sava and the Danube is to begin with two boats by the end of next year, and in 2024 and 2025, another four boats will be put into operation each year. Once we start operating at full capacity, ten boats will work on both lines, and there will be one spare boat – Vesic said.

He repeated that Belgrade would have two public river transport lines, the “red” and the “blue” one.

– The “red” line (Block 45 – Sports and Recreation Center “Milan Gale Muskatirovic”) will be put into operation in three phases, that is, in three years, as well as the “blue” line (Borca – Ada Huja through Zemun) – announced the deputy mayor.

Vesic said that the citizens would be able to use the river public transport the same way as other public subsystems of passenger line transport.

He explained that each boat would be able to take in up to 100 passengers and that each terminal would be arranged as a closed public transport stop, which would be connected with other forms of public transport, Beoinfo reported.

Grad Beograd Grad Beograd
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