Civil Engineering Fair in Budva from September 22 to 26 at Adriatic Fair

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 21.09.2010. 15:43

The 32nd Civil Engineering Fair in Budva will be held at the Adriatic Fair between September 22 and 26.

At this year's expo, products and services will be presented by over 350 participants from 29 countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Italy, Japan, China, Macedonia, Hungary, Norway, Germany, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, the United States of America, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, Turkey and Montenegro.

Of total number, 37% are new exhibitors that will present themselves to the Montenegrin market for the first.

Organized by the Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce, a session of the Board for Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection and the Association of civil engineering, construction material industry and public utility industry will be held on the first day, as well as business meetings of Montenegrin and Hungarian companies.

The Energy Efficiency Sector within the Ministry of Economy, ETG Engineering company with the Energy Efficiency Institute, and German Agency for Technical Cooperation GTZ will organize a round table on "Energy Efficiency in Buildings - the legal framework, status, opportunities and prospects."

In association with the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment Protection of Montenegro, a presentation of the "1000+ apartments" project will be held at the 32nd Civil Engineering Fair. The aim of this project is to enable citizens of Montenegro to get their own home in a simple, fair and cost-effective way.

The Bar- Boljare motorway construction project, organized by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications of Montenegro, will also be presented at the fair. The Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica will organize a round table on "Architecture of Continuity"
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