Kragujevac Planning Modernization of Sobovica-Luznice Business Zone – Internal Railway, Runway, Business and Commercial Features Planned on 252 Hectares

Source: eKapija Sunday, 10.10.2021. 11:45
Illustration (Photo: Konstantin L/
The City of Kragujevac has put the draft amendments to the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Sobovica-Luznice business zone up for a public review. The amendments envisage the construction of new traffic routes, another industrial zone and the expansion of the building land area.

According to the published documentation, the plan is to build an internal railway Sobovica-Luznice within the business zone, with the aim of providing potential investors with the possibility of using rail transport. In addition to the railway, the plan is to build a runway of the 2C category for air transport. Considering that the forming of the new DRP is still in its initial phase, it is not specified in what way air transport will benefit the future tenants of the business zone.

When it comes to the area meant for the construction of business facilities, it is envisaged for the amendments to the DRP to encompass an area of 252.37 hectares, where another business zone with the possibility of the construction of business and commercial facilities will be formed. The new border of the plan will thereby include parts of IIA-grade state road Cerovac-Raca.

The spatial whole is not divided into zones, so the construction of business and commercial facilities, as well as the facilities which complement the functioning of the economy in the business zone, such as hotels, restaurants and stores, is planned in the entire area.

N. I.

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