State to Invest RSD 300 Million in Ponikve Airport – First Phase Entails Repair of Remaining Runway Section

Source: eKapija Saturday, 20.03.2021. 19:55
(Photo: S.Petrovic)
The Government of Serbia will invest RSD 300 million in the Ponikve Airport this year. This was announced by the director of the company Aerodromi Srbije, Mihajlo Zdravkovic, following his meeting with the mayor of Uzice, Jelena Rakovic Radivojevic.

– Today, in Uzice, we talked to the mayor and her associates about the further progress and investments in the Ponikve Airport. Thanks to the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the competent Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, this year, RSD 300 million is set aside for the development of the Ponikve Airport. We also talked about the project-technical documentation and all the steps that need to be taken in the upcoming days in order for this investment to be realized as soon as possible – said Zdravkovic.

According to him, in the first phase, the remaining section of the runway is to be repaired, so that the entire runway of 3,087 meters would be operational, and a new runway is to be built, featuring a parking platform for two aircraft.

Mayor Rakovic Radivojevic emphasized that she was very satisfied with the meeting and the concrete support by the Government of Serbia and the competent ministry.

– The City of Uzice will do everything necessary, and the designers of the PE Uzice Razvoj will provide the necessary project-technical documentation. What’s important is that we’ve made a plan of activities, that is, a dynamic plan for the final realization of the Ponikve Airport as a commercial facility – the mayor pointed out.

Another topic at the meeting was the infrastructure that needs to be brought to the complex, but also the connecting of the complex with the potential traffic routes which lead to the highway, the city authorities announced.
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