Security in the World of Invisible Dangers

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 03.11.2020. 19:38
(Photo: MaxProtect)
For years now, companies such as MaxProtect have been fighting the prejudice that security only means physical security. However, in the era of technology, physical security is only a small part of the operations of serious companies that provide security services.

Technological innovations have made life easier for the modern person`s life, but they`ve also created numerous new ways for the safety to be jeopardized. Direct, physical danger (physical assault, break-ins, robberies) is known to all, but now there`s another kind of danger – indirect. Everyone who knows a lot about technology can endanger a person`s safety. Identity theft and bank account hacks are good examples.

Security in the era of technology

Today, nearly every activity can be replaced by software. The more is invested in technical protection systems and new technologies, the more options there are. A good example is MaxProtect, a company which was founded in 2016 and which brings together experienced people from the world of security, having the most advanced and best systems of technical protection, which, together with the latest technologies, enable it to stand shoulder to shoulder with the largest world companies in the same field.

However, new era security does not only come down to services aiming to protect from high-tech crime. To an ordinary person, even the most basic service of a stable security company can mean a lot.

The director of MaxProtect, Dejan Radenkovic, shared with us the ways that both private and business persons can become more secure with their services.

– To us, the priority is not to get the job at any cost, but to approach each potential client with great care, taking into account their special characteristics and all the safety risks that threaten them. Our general task is to preserve peace and stability. For example, if our client is a legal person, the task is to secure their unobstructed business operations, thereby giving our full contribution to the client`s successful business. Security services can be seen as insurance. Just like insurance guarantees security in difficult situations, small investments in security prevent large losses. Our clients which opt for the services of video surveillance can switch their cameras on at any moment and monitor them no matter how far away they are. The biggest challenge is technological protection, which is why our team features top experts in this field, which successfully deal with the risks of a modern age that all companies are exposed to, regardless of their field of activity – Radenkovic notes.

Dejan Radenkovic (Photo: MaxProtect)Dejan Radenkovic

Highest standards for physical security as well

Security companies cannot offer physical security services without numerous licenses, such as LF1 (license without arms) and LF2 (license to carry arms).

Great knowledge and skills are needed for one such company to be considered stable and professional. In addition to the fact that the employees need to be perfectly fit and that they need to maintain a high level of personal hygiene, they also need to be fully psychologically stable, so as to be able to react properly at any moment.

– All our employees are licensed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of whether they work as security, in the Control Center, where, in addition to 24-hour monitoring, the work of all the on-site security employees is coordinated, as stationary security workers, as patrol or intervention teams, as security for the transport of money or as personal security. Each of them has gone through safety checks, in order to determine whether they can work as private security with or without arms, depending on the jobs they do – Radenkovic reveals for eKapija.

Security no longer exclusively a male job

The modernization of business in the world of security does not only pertain to reliance on high technology and organization of additional training.

– When I say that we provide a wide range of services in the domain of private security, I`m not saying anything that any other company in the same field couldn`t say, but what might set us apart from others is that we pay attention to gender equality as well and we are proud to say that a large number of women work at our company, giving full contribution to the achievement of our business goals – Radenkovic said and added:

– We want to change the stereotype that seems to exist in the society when we`re talking about security, which is that it involves some tough-looking brutes or disinterested and shabby-looking people without authority and knowledge. Our numerous capable female colleagues are a good example that shows that this couldn`t be further from the truth.
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