MALI: The Second Minimum Wage to be Paid in the First Week of June and the Third One in the First Week of July

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 21.05.2020. 12:35
(Photo: YouTube/screenshot)
The second minimum wage will be paid to companies and employees in the first week of June, and the third one in the first week of July, Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali said today for Tanjug.

He reminds that the Government of Serbia paid the first minimum wage to 1,052,000 workers in 232,000 companies on May 7.

– I invite companies to stay in the program. The next payment is to be made in the first week of June and then we expect another one in the first week of July. We have opened the economy. Companies, micro, small and medium enterprises have started working, but we will still keep our promise – Mali said.

He points out that the aid in the form of three minimum wages will help companies consolidate their operations and pay the salaries, until, as Mali says, the economic activities gain momentum in the country after the coronavirus crisis.

The minister has also invited companies to continue their talks with the Development Fund and commercial banks about credits and the guarantee scheme.

– SMEs have asked commercial banks for a support of nearly a billion euros. The state provides a guarantee for those credits and companies should use them for their working assets and liquidity – Mali told the companies.

He estimates that Serbia's economy has not been affected too badly by the coronavirus epidemic and that it now remains for the economy to return to the growth rates it had two or three months ago.
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