German Boysen to build plant in Subotica – Investment worth EUR 65 million, jobs for 500 people

Source: RTV Thursday, 14.02.2019. 11:56
Illustration (Photo: Nataliya Hora/
Boysen, a German producer of exhaust systems for the car industry, is planning an investment of EUR 65 million in the construction of a plant in Subotica, where it will employ over 500 workers over a period of five years.

The investment will be realized within the Mali Bajmok Industrial Zone, on a parcel of 10 hectares, which will be given to the investor for use without a fee. The plan is to build a production facility of 35,000 m2.

To that end, a study was prepared on the justifiability of alienating the land without a fee, which shows that the income for the City of Subotica, as the owner of the parcel, over the next five years will exceed its estimated value.

The final word on the study will be given by the City Assembly of Subotica and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and if they approve the study, the investor will get the land and be able to start realizing the investment in the environment in which a range of German companies are already operating, namely, Siemens, Continental, Norma Group and Dunkermotoren.

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