Economic transportation of materials - "Geda" building elevators and cranes

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 28.04.2009. 15:25

Company "Unimast" presented the building elevators of German manufacturer “Geda” at the recently finished International Building Expo in Belgrade.

According to the words of Danijela Karpić from company “Unimast”, the German manufacturer, as a company that deals with production of elevators and cranes for 80 years, has no serious competitor in that field.

She told eKapija that small part of the product portfolio of “Geda” had been presented at the expo, but she pointed out that that company was ready to deliver the most various elevators and cranes for transportation of people and goods on client’s demand.

As she explained, "Geda" elevators offer simple, quick and safe solution for all kinds of vertical transportation, and they are not intended solely for large enterprises, but also for small building companies with up to 10 workers.

She pointed out that the use of building cranes saved the contractors both time and personnel.

Danijela Karpić said that "Geda" elevators had been used for supply of stores in TC "Ušće" with goods, in the construction of the University Village and the Avala tower, and she announced that they would also be used in the construction of the bridge across the Sava.

The offer of "Unimast" includes the elevators with the cord for every kind of transportation and all heights on the building site, which are primarily intended for work on scaffolds, the elevators on cogged bar for slanted and vertical use, the elevators for transportation of personnel and freight, the elevators on cogged rail, suspending stages, electric scaffolds, the cranes on cogged pole, transportation stages.

The Belgrade-based company is a partner of company "Geda" for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.

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