Black market – Ministry of Labor lists more than 1,000 illegally employed

Source: Tanjug Monday, 05.11.2018. 11:16
Illustration (Photo: Atstock Productions /
On September 5, the Ministry of Labor published a list on its website featuring 21 companies where either unregistered workers had been found or inspectors had detected various irregularities. Two months later, the list features more than 1,000 companies, but also individuals, that have operated counter to the law.

The list features a considerable number of hairdresser's and cosmetics salons, car wash businesses, stores, cafes, but also construction workers, street vendors, manual workers, taxi drivers, car mechanics, traders of heating materials, unregistered bakers, but also tailors, lumberjacks, butchers...

A range of companies operating in Subotica, Sombor, Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Sabac, Vranje, Nis, Bor, Tutin, Bujanovac and other towns, which have not registered their employees and which are not listed at the Business Registers Agency or have had irregularities detected in them, are also on the list.
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