Government defines goods and services subject to centralized public procurement from 2019

Source: eKapija Friday, 29.06.2018. 12:00
Illustration (Photo: mariakraynova/
The Government of Serbia adopted the Decision on Defining Centralized Public Procurement of Goods and Services, to be enforced by the Office of Shared Services from 2019.

The decision defines 9 types of goods and 4 types of services subject to centralized public procurement beginning with next year.

The goods are: office stationery, printer toners (except for toners procured under the centralized public procurement initiated in 2018), fuels and lubricants, vehicles (if a procuring entity obtains consent in line with the regulations), computer hardware (the individual value of which mustn’t exceed the amount of RSD 500,000), electric energy, paper goods and office furniture.

The services are: sanitary and related services (disinfection, disinsection and deratization), maintenance and repair services (maintaining computer hardware – computers, printers and communication equipment) – only for the equipment not under central public procurement in 2018 or that procured in 2018, electronic communication services – optic fiber transfer services and security services (physical-technical and fire protection of facilities).

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