Serbia among ten biggest global exporters of wheat and corn

Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 15.11.2017. 14:39
(Photo: Africa Studio/
Serbia ranks among the ten biggest exporters of grains in the world in the period from the business year 2014/15 to 2016/17, according to an analysis by the Serbian Grains Association, performed based on the data by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Serbia placed eight in export of corn, whereas, regarding export of wheat, it takes the tenth spot. Looking by wheat yields per hectare, it placed second, right below the EU average, whereas the same parameter regarding corn puts the country in the fifth spot.

Serbian Grains presented this analysis at the biggest world forum in the field of production and trade of grains and oil plants, Global Grain, being held in Geneva from November 14 through 16. its participation in the forum is supported by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO).

The data, which were presented at the conference by Suncica Savovic, Secretary at Serbian Grains, attracted much attention from EU companies, but also from companies from other continents, potential exporters of the said cultures from Serbia, says the joint press release by the Serbian Grains and UN FAO.

Aside from the data on the amounts and the quality of the production of wheat, corn, sunflower, soybean and rapeseed, she also presented the country's exporting capacities and key markets for these products at the conference.

– Our country has numerous advantages when it comes to trade and export of grains and oil plants, from the production of non-GMO cultures exclusively to the possibility of transport from the Black Sea to the North Sea through the pan-European corridor VII – Savovic said.

However, in order to secure a more efficient exporting logistics, further investments in connecting road, river and rail transport are needed, as well as an expansion of port capacities and construction of new silos, primarily on the Danube, and a modernization of Serbia's river fleet, she pointed out.

More than 1,200 representatives of 550 companies from all over the world are taking part in the Global Grain conference. They have an opportunity to learn about the latest trends and challenges in the industry through panel discussion such as the Forum of the Black Sea Basin Countries, the Risk management workshop and numerous presentations covering the burning issues in the fields of production, trade, export, logistics and price trends when it comes to grains and oil plants in the regional market and the markets of the world.

The participation and the presentation of the Serbian Grains Association have been realized as part of the project of enhancing the export of grains and oil plants, carried out in Serbia by UN FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
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