Tender for selection of strategic partner for RTB "Bor" on October 10 - letters of intent submitted by "Glencore", "East Point", "A-Tec" and two Russian companies

Source: Novosti Thursday, 01.01.1970. 14:19

- Tender for selection of strategic partner for RTB "Bor" will be announced on October 10 - Nebojša Ćirić, the State Secretary within the Ministry of Economy, confirmed for "Novosti".

So far, during the prequalification procedure, the letters of intent for strategic partnership with Mining Smelter Basin (RTB) have been submitted by "Glencore", Austrian "A-Tec", Cypriot "East Point" and two Russian companies.

Swiss company "Glencore" will participate in the tender for strategic partnership with RTB "Bor" in the consortium with company "Mineco" from Geneva, which is the majority owner of Subotica-based "Fidelinka". This was confirmed on the occasion of the visit of delegation of these two companies to the units of the largest Serbian manufacturer of copper and precious metals.

- We have been observing RTB "Bor" since 2006, but the tender terms at that time did not suit us - said Nikola Popović, the representative of "Glencore", in the talks with the management of Bor-based company. - And, regardless of the fact that we have observed the previous privatization process, we have concluded that it is not clever to take part in these procedures because our estimate is that the affairs were rather speculative than real investment affairs. For that reason, we did not participate in the first and the second tender for sale of property of RTB "Bor".

Popović pointed out that the representatives of "Glencore" would be able to give concrete bid and present details after the thorough analysis.

- We have in mind that the investment program should encompass all employees in RTB. and we find "Smelter" the high-priority investment.
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