Average salary in Bela Palanka in June amounted to 12,679 RSD - the lowest average salary in Serbia

Source: Biznis Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:34

Average salary in Bela Balanka in June amounted to 12,679 RSD, which is the lowest average salary in Serbia.

Mayor of Bela Palanka, Aleksandar Živković, said that people in that municipality lived hard and that the economy was in bad condition after privatization.

- Privatization that started in 2000 had the worst influence on our municipality. New owners of a majority of privatized enterprises did not start production. Privatization of some enterprises were cancelled or companies went bankrupt. Not even one company hired new workers after privatization. After the companies went bankrupt, all the workers lost jobs - said Živković.

Živković has reminded that there were 18,000 citizens and 638 unemployed people nine years ago, while now this municipality has 14,450 citizens, over 3,000 of whom are without job.

Živković said that the "highlights in the municipal economy" were private shoe companies, such as "Obuća Pavle", "MDD" and "Fleks", and the company that deals with meat production and packing - "Sim Impex".
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