EIB approves another EUR 50 million for reconstruction of 4 clinical centers in Serbia

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 12.07.2017. 14:47
Illustration (Photo: hxdbzxy/shutterstock.com)Illustration
Minister of Finance of Serbia Dusan Vujovic and Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Dario Scannapieco signed a financial agreement “Clinical Centers/C” in Trieste today at the Western Balkans Summit.

As reported by the Ministry of Finance, the financial agreement “Clinical Centers/C” is the last of the three financial agreements planned with the EIB with the aim of financing the projects of reconstruction of four clinical centers in Serbia. The projects entail modernization, development, expansion and extension of clinical centers in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac. The realization has been put in charge of the Ministry of Health.

The projects have been estimated at over EUR 400 million in total, of which EUR 200 million is provided by the EIB, whereas the rest is provided by the Government of Serbia, the European Commission – CARDS program, the World Bank and bilateral donors.

Until now, EUR 150 million was contracted with the EIB for the said project and two financial agreements were signed: “”Clinical Centers/A”, signed on December 8, 2006, on the amount of EUR 80 million, and “Clinical Centers/B”, signed on December 12, 2008.

The financial agreement “Clinical Centers/C” approves EUR 50 million to the Republic of Serbia, with options of a fixed or a variable interest rate and a repayment period of 25 years, including a grace period of 4 years. The loan is realized in 5 drawdowns at the most, with a minimum amount of EUR 10 million in each drawdown, except for the first one, which may amount to EUR 5 million, the press release specifies.
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