Once Stabilization and Association Agreement is ratified, social funds will get 250m EUR

Source: Politika Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:36

Mirko CvetkovićMirko Cvetković

Minister of Finance of Serbia, Mirko Cvetković, said that, once the Stabilization and Association Agreement was ratified, Serbia could obtain 250m EUR from European funds every year for resolving of social problems.

- That is why approaching to Europe is not related only to those other aspects mentioned in the public, such as the improvement of living standard, but also to alleviation of social problems that are pretty serious in Serbia - said Cvetković.

- It is estimated that the annual amount of funds approved by the social funds of European Union could be about 250m EUR - said Cvetković.

Minister of Finance specified that the social funds, the access to which will be enabled to Serbia after ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and moving to the next step towards admission into EU, were used for subventions for the growth of employment rate, resolving of problems with surplus manpower, hiring of disabled persons and equality of sexes.

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