Kragujevac-based Teknia KG - the first supplier from Serbia of German Eberspacher

Source: eKapija Sunday, 26.03.2017. 21:32
Kragujevac- based Teknia KG has become a part of the supply chain of German Eberspacher, and another two Serbian companies - FPM Agromehanika and Gomma line have been in the process of joining the suppliers’ panel of German company. This is the result of the Day of suppliers and B2B meetings organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in order to link domestic economy with large international systems.

As announced by SCC, with signing a six-year contract with Eberspacher for delivery of exhaust holders, Kragujevac Teknia became a part of the supply chain of the international leader with 150 years of tradition in production of exhaust systems for automotive industry, heaters and refrigeration equipment for trucks and buses. Annual work estimated at EUR 1,3 m.

- Teknia is the first Eberspacher’s supplier from Serbia and this is the beginning of cooperation with Serbian companies - vice president for supply chain management at Eberspacher, Tomas Ror, outlined, noting that the idea is to engage suppliers from Serbia, considering that German company is expanding business year after year.

According to Ror, automotive industry is very demanding and has high quality standards that must be met. Companies in Serbia have experience as suppliers to automotive industry, know the rules and meet requirements and quality standards and have shown great interest and desire to cooperate.
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