Renovated amphitheater in Gerontology Center on Bežanija opened - company "KPMG" provided complete reconstruction

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:55

In the Gerontology Center on Bežanijska Kosa, the largest center of the kind in the Balkans, reconstructed amphitheater that was neglected for years due to lack of money has been officially opened today (April 12, 2008).

Complete reconstruction was provided by company "KPMG", which wanted to set an example for other foreign companies present in Serbia and to send message about how they can return the favor to the community where they operate.

In the largest gerontology center in the Balkans, reconstruction of the amphitheater is the first project within the scope of the campaign named : "Unite the world - share the responsibility", which was started by that campaign this year.

The aim of the campaign is activation of similar projects and drawing of attention of the public to the most endangered social groups in Serbia.

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