Bar-based port wanted by Polish, Turkish and Arabs - Possible tender extension for customers' interest

Source: Cafe Del Montenegro Thursday, 24.11.2016. 15:04
Illustration (Photo: KAMONRAT/
Tender documentation for privatization of Luka Bar was purchased by OT Logistic from Poland, Silos Granari della Sicilia from Italy, Global Ports from Turkey and Abu Dhabi ports of the United Arab Emirates has sent a request for purchase of documentation on time.Deadline for purchase of tender documentation for Luka expired, and companies can deliver offers by December 1. For Montecargo, documentation can be acquired by November 25, and deadline for submission of bids is December 8.President of Tender Commission Branko Vujovic said OT Logistic and silos Granary della Sicilia purchased tender documentation for Montecargo as wellHe said that request for extension of the deadline for submission of bids for Luka and Montecargo, but the commission will declare about it.
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