"UNIQA" was first to pay for damage made in recent riots - advanced payments in amount of about 100,000 EUR

Source: eKapija Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:29

"UNIQA" insurance company, in accordance with the business policy to offer the most quality service to its clients and quickly resolve requests for compensation of damage, paid the premiums yesterday (February 26, 2008) to all its insured clients who were inflicted damages in recent riots. The amount of advanced payments is about 100,000 EUR, and final amount that will be paid will be determined in the following days.

Wishing to enable quick reception of compensation requests of all its insured clients, citizens and juristic persons who suffered the damage, "UNIQA" insurance company introduced free phone line on Friday, which will be available 24 hours a day.

In all countries where this insurance company is present, "UNIQA" provides the most quality services to its clients, which can be best seen in the quick resolving of the compensation requests.

Operators of "UNIQA" insurance company are at disposal 24 hours a day at phone number 0800 201 301. The clients can also submit their applications via e-mail: info@uniqa.co.yu.

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