As of January 11, six new electronic tax returns

Source: Beta Wednesday, 06.01.2016. 10:56
As of Monday, January 11, tax payers will be able to submit six new tax returns electronically, Tax Directorate of Serbia has announced today.
Electronic forms will be introduced for non-life insurance premium, contribution for founders, i.e. members of their companies, self-taxation of physical entities, form for commitments of employing the disabled, withholding tax which is generated by non-residents. Full implementation of electronic submission will start March 1, this year.
In the transition period, tax payers will still have to submit tax returns in paper and they will be able to submit new electronic forms at e-Porezi platform.

Head of Tax Directorate, Dragana Markovic, invited tax payers to, during a two-month test period, submit returns electronically so that we would be better prepared for full service implementation.
She outlined that 95% tax income which Tax Directorate is administering, in the next period will be covered with electronic services for submission of tax returns.
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