Surplus in the trade with CEFTA countries

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 21.07.2015. 11:26

Serbia has exported agricultural and food products in the first 5 months this year to CEFTA region in the amount of 347.7 billion USD, while the realized surplus is worth 286.8 million USD.Serbia has made most of trade with Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the exchange of agricultural- food products achieved the biggest surplus. Namely, in the first five months in 2015 the surplus was around 152.5 million USD. The exchange between the two countries has resulted in 200 million USD. Serbian export was worth around 176 million USD and import was worth 23.5 million USD.Macedonia is the second CEFTA export market for Serbian food, Montenegro is the third one, while trading with Albania and Moldavia seems to be very modest.In the first five months in 2015the exchange with Macedonia was in the amount of 97.7 million USD, with Montenegro 87.8 million USD, with Albania around 23 million USD, and with Moldavia 592,000 USD. Overall exchange of Serbia’s agricultural and food products with the CEFTA agreement countries was around 408 million USD, which is up to 9% less than in the first five months in 2014. Serbian import was worth 60.9 million USD and was lower up to 20%, while the export was decreased for 7%.
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