Ivica Smolic leaves Komercijalna banka

Source: eKapija Thursday, 23.04.2015. 11:46
Ivica SmolicIvica Smolic
President of the Executive Board at Komercijalna banka, Ivica Smolic, has resigned, the bank announced on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.

Smolic said he hopes that new management of the bank and its shareholders will continue to increase capital value so that its privatization, planned for 2017, would be successful.

Komercijalna banka with 13% stake at the Serbian market, claims it is a leader when it comes to foreign currency savings of citizenship and the second in size for the working capital stake in total working capital of the banking sector in Serbia.

In 2014, the bank generated business scope growth of 12% compared to 2013 totaling RSD 42,5 billion with profit of RSD 4,8 billion.

The biggest shareholders of Komercijalna banka are the Republic of Serbia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Financial Corporation (IFC), German DEG and Swedish "Swedfund".

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