World Bank approved credit of 120m EUR to Serbia for rehabilitation of Hydro-system Danube-Tisa- Danube

Source: eKapija Thursday, 01.01.1970. 13:22

Danube-Tisa-Danube canalDanube-Tisa-Danube canal

The Minister of Trade and Services, Predrag Bubalo, stated that the World Bank had approved the credit of 120m EUR to Serbia for rehabilitation of Hydro-system Danube-Tisa-Danube and cleaning of the irrigation canal.

On the occasion of the visit to the 74th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, he pointed out that the Directorate for Stock Reserves of Serbia, which comes within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade and Services, must have active role and it can not only represent “the means to overcome critical situations".

Bubalo reminded that the Directorate had urgently bought 15,000 pigs and 7,000 tons of potato one month before and added that, for the sake of the solution to the problem of sale of agricultural products, the villagers should be better organized and united for unique appearance on the market.

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