Tourist sightseeing of state-owned institutions every first Saturday in a month

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 12.11.2014. 09:53

The Tourist Organization of Belgrade (TOB) announced on Tuesday that the programs of visit to the House of the National Assembly in the building of Presidency are organized every first Saturday in a month and the first upcoming date is December 7.

Within the part of the tourist program "Get institutions closer to citizens ", the interested have the option to meet the work of the state-owned institutions and their cultural and historical importance.

In the House of the National Assembly, visitors tour vestibule, central hall, a small hall, a big hall, a library and the saloon of the Prince Pavle.

In the building of the president of Serbia, “Novi dvor”, visitors tour the ceremonial entrance, ceremonial hall, a dining room and saloon used for the needs of a president, the exhibition of works of art as well as gifts of the president of the Republic of Serbia during his service.

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