The construction of the new Danube port not to begin for a long time

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 22.06.2016. 12:20

(Photo: Marija Kambić)
Although the media kept announcing that Serbia and China would sign the Memorandum on the construction of a strategic port in close proximity to the Mihajlo Pupin bridge worth USD 300 million during the visit of the Chinese president Xi Jinping, the project was not considered during the recently finished meetings.

As the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure says, the details remain to be defined, so the announcement of the signing of the memorandum was not true.

The Memorandum of Understanding on the construction of a new port in Belgrade near the Mihajlo Pupin bridge was signed on April 16, 2015, by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and China Environmental Energy Holdings Co. Ltd.

Based on the signed Memorandum, the convergence of positions of the Serbian and the Chinese parties on the manner of financing the construction of the access and port infrastructure will be followed by the official adoption of the Feasibility Study.

- The Feasibility Study for the new port in Belgrade in being prepared, and the preparation has commenced of the Special Purpose Area Spatial Plan for the new port in Belgrade together with the free zone and the Detailed Regulation Plan for the business zone between the SMT route, Pancevo road and the Danube, both in the municipality of Paliula, which should define the spatial and technical solutions for an additional bulk cargo terminal which will become part of the future port area of the Port of Belgrade – says the Ministry for eKapija.

Following the convergence of positions of the two parties on the financial part of the Feasibility Study for the construction of the new Belgrade port and the adoption of the Special Purpose Area Spatial Plan for the new port in Belgrade and Detailed Regulation Plan for the bulk cargo terminal in Krnjaca, the Port Governance Agency will prepare the Regulation on Determining the port area of the Port of Belgrade.

As the Ministry explains, this will be followed by the procedure for the grant of concession for the construction of the new port in belgrade in accordance with the Law on navigation and Ports on Inland Waters. This won't be possible before 2017, after which the construction of the port near the Mihajlo Pupin bridge could begin.

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