WolfMcGill d.o.o. Beograd

Micro Unternehmen
WolfMcGill d.o.o. Beograd
Radovana Dragovića 12, 11000 Beograd
Verantwortliche Person
Nikola Seneši, direktor

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
WolfMcGill is a real estate consulting group, specialized in the European emerging markets. As a trust consultant, the company helps leading investors and governmental institutions to convert their ideas into highly feasible and profitable commercial, residential, hospitality, retail, industrial or other real estate projects. Successful business results and comprehensive approach to the clients’ needs, have settled our company on the lucrative position as one of the main real estate advisors in the Southeastern Europe.

The corporate philosophy is based on the tailor made service and customized approach to the clients’ needs. WolfMcGill Group provides turnkey solutions for the clients, ensuring that they are in line with the specific needs and profit maximization policy. Our structured and accurate advices will secure your convenient project flow, help in defining the best possible investment and ensure the proper financing.

The Group is structured through three divisions that cover real estate consultancy, investments and financial services. All divisions have real estate as their core business, but with an accent on various specific processes that can happen during the initial investment, development or exit of the project.
