Cinven Partners LLP

Cinven Partners LLP
Warwick Court
Paternoster Square

, EC4M 7AG London

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Cinven is a leading international private equity firm, founded in 1977, with offices in Guernsey, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and New York. Funds managed by Cinven acquire Europe-based companies that require an equity investment by our funds of €100 million or more. While Europe remains our focus, Cinven’s Portfolio team helps our European portfolio companies take advantage of international best practices and growth in global markets, in particular opportunities in emerging economies, including those in Asia and the Americas. We focus on six sectors: Business Services, Consumer, Financial Services, Healthcare, Industrials, and Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT).

Cinven funds acquire successful, high-quality companies and work with them to help them grow and develop, using our proven value creation strategies. The typical holding period for an investment is between four to six years. We take a responsible approach towards our portfolio companies, their employees, suppliers and local communities, the environment and society.

Cinven has a strong and consistent investment track record. Cinven is currently investing the Sixth Fund.

The Cinven Funds are managed by Cinven Limited, Cinven Capital Management (V) General Partner Limited and Cinven Capital Management (VI) General Partner Limited (the ‘Guernsey Managers’). The Boards of the Guernsey Managers supervise the governance and risk control framework of the Cinven Funds.

Cinven’s only business is the management of private equity funds, so the issue of potential conflicts of interest in respect of corporate advisory work does not apply to the firm.
