BAYER AG Leverkuzen

Potpuni naziv:



Adresa:Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen
Telefon: ?? ??? ?? ?

Status, Einkommen, Eigentum

Oblik svojine:

privates Eigentum

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

Bayer is a research-based, growth-oriented global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Our products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time we want to create value through innovation, growth and improved earning power.

Business operations are the responsibility of the subgroups:

- Bayer HealthCare AG researches, develops, manufactures and markets innovative products for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

- Bayer CropScience AG is a global leader in crop protection and non-agricultural pest control.

- Bayer MaterialScience AG is a renowned supplier of high-performance materials and innovative system solutions used in a wide range of products for everyday life.
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21.11.2019.  |  Landwirtschaft, Industrie, Verkehr, IT, Telekommunikation

Treća zelena revolucija - Pametna poljoprivreda optimizuje troškove i menja radnu snagu

Razvojem IT industrije i njenom širokom primenom počinje i priča o "pametnoj poljoprivredi". To je sinonim koji se veže za upotrebu informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija u različitim sektorima poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Mnogi smatraju da upravo IT sektor poljoprivredu vodi u tzv. Treću zelenu revoluciju. Primena senzora, geopozicioniranja sistema, analize velike količine podataka,

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Chemische Erzeugnisse

Organische Grundchemikalien

Diverse organische chemische Erzeugnisse



Medicinal products for the blood, blood-forming organs and the cardiovascular system

Dermatika sowie Arzneimittel für das Muskel- und Skelettsystem

Dienstleistungen im pharmazeutischen Bereich

Andere Kontakte

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