Sojaprotein d.o.o. Bečej

Groß Unternehmen
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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Sojaprotein AD is a joint stock company for soybean processing, the only one of this kind in Serbia and Montenegro and the most significant soybean processing company in the south-east Europe.

The company was established in 1978 and it started with the regular production in 1982.

Since 2001, when privatisation process was completed the company has been conducting its business activities as a joint stock company.

The majority stockholder is „Victoria” from Sabac (Serbia). SOJAPROTEIN shares are traded at Belgrade Stock Exchange are open for transactions.

The Company holds majority share of the Company „Backa Palanka Port” on the Danube and of the Agriculture Combine „Kindja” in Kikinda and Vegetable Oil Production „Mladost” in Sid.

SOJAPROTEIN AD has the majority participation in ZAO „Vobex Intersoya” Moscow, a trade company distributing our products on the Russian market.

The processing capacity is 900 tons of soybeans per day.