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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
What we do
S2B (Science to Business) and I2B (Idea to Business) is a people business. We facilitate and mediate in constructive communication between researcher/inventor and business eco-systems towards partnerships for innovation. We help our business partners to mobilise their internal and external resources in order to create better products and services, and to successfully offer them in new export markets. The key fields of our expertise include in-depth, methodical understanding of business development and innovation management processes as well as practical experience in adopting our know-how in an actual marketplace.
Business Development & Networking
Supporting our partners market entry efforts in EMEA and APAC regions with a full portfolio of business development services: from background research and networking to channel management to full market development outsourcing. By using our market specific expertise and agent network, our partners are able to lower the operational risks involved with new market entry and significantly accelerate the market penetration process, translating into faster revenue realization and increased margins. Innovation Process Management
We provide a systematic approach for improving organizations ability to develop new and improved products, services and business processes. In an essence, innovation management is focused around creation and improvement of organization’s internal- as well as external processes for gathering, storing and processing existing information and combining it with new, relevant and creative ideas.
For more in-depth information about our services as well as for available customer references, please contact us - we are happy to hear from you. Regardless of the service, we position ourselves as your business partners, not as external consultants. Instead of preparing another pretty report telling you what we think you need to do, we prefer to use our knowledge and market presence to actually make things happen. In other words, we are willing and able to take the risks with you, if you’re willing to share the rewards.