TS-Imperial Clearing House d.o.o. Beograd

Micro Unternehmen
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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
The TSI has developed a range of brokerage services specifically designed to assist VIP Clients, central Credit Institutes, monetary authorities and international financial institutions in the management of their assets, funds, worth papers, precious stones, foreign exchange and gold reserves.

Thay support the customers who have traditionally looked for security, liquidity and return as the three basic features of their placements at the TSI.

• To provide security, the Credit Institute has built up a sizeable equity capital and ample reserves. It pursues an investment strategy focused on combining diversification benefits with intensive credit and market risk analysis
• To ensure liquidity, the Credit Institute stands ready to repurchase its tradable instruments at little cost to its customers and thus respond quickly and flexibly to their needs
• The TSI offers an attractive and competitive return on the funds deposited by the banks, credit Institutes and international organizations

Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding n.e.c.
- Frozen transaction account
- Insolvency procedure
- Court debt settlement
- Active business