Export of IT services worth EUR 216 million – Around 200 software companies founded in Serbia annually

Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 10.08.2016. 14:42
(Photo: Ahmet Misirligul/shutterstock.com)
The president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS), Marko Cadez, says that, on average, around 200 software companies are founded annually in Serbia and that their number is rapidly growing. There are around 2,200 companies employing around 20,000 people now, and the number should grow by 10% annually.

He said that the export of ICT services had been growing at a two-digit rate from 2007 and that Serbia currently had a surplus in the exchange with the world and added that other products which had recorded a surplus were agricultural products – corn and frozen fruit.

In the first five months of 2016, Serbia exported EUR 216 million worth of ICT services, Cadez added and said that the CCIS strove to stimulate the development of startups and to keep talented young people in Serbia.

The marketing director of Telenor, Nemanja Zilovic, said that it was important for a society to have a strong IT sector, and that there were plenty of talented young people with good ideas in Serbia.

By the way, applications for the first competition in developing mobile apps in the domain of smart cities have been opened. The apps encompass the areas of ecology, traffic, shopping and tourism. The competition lasts until August 28, and the finale will take place at the end of the year, when the three best ideas will be selected.

Telenor Smart City Challenge Serbia 2016 is being organized by BEUM under the general sponsorship of Telenor Serbia, with the support of Friedrich Naumann foundation and ICT Hub. The CCIS has given institutional support.

The president of the CCIS, Marko Cadez, said that the aim of the competition was to encourage talented young people to develop ideas for improving the quality of life in local communities through mobile apps in the domain of smart cities.

Smart Cities integrates ICT, energy and transport sectors through innovative solutions to the problems of big cities like traffic jams, air pollution, high prices of energy and strives to increase the mobility of citizens, save energy and protect the environment.

A training program is planned within the project, which will help innovative young people to found successful businesses on their ideas.

The total monetary fund for the best teams of up to three members is EUR 10,000, and the best team will be sent to a two-week acceleration program abroad.
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