Za učešće u tenderskoj procedure / For participation in the tender procedure
No. PSRB-SOE010-23-24-SM004
U okviru projekta "Inkluzija i ekonomsko osnaživanje Zapadnog Balkana" koji finansira nemačka vlada, a realizuje nemačka organizacija Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. u Republici Srbiji, Help oglašava tender za nabavku gastronoske opreme za individualne klijente iz Niša i Pirota. / Within the project "Inclusion and economic empowerment in the Western Balkans" funded by the German government and implemented by the German organization Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. in the Republic of Serbia, Help announces a tender for purchase of gastronomic for individual clients from Niš and Pirot.
Zainteresovani ponuđači mogu preuzeti tendersku dokumentaciju na Helpovoj internet stranici / Interested bidders can download the tender documents from the Help"s website: www.help-serbia.org.rs od srede, 14. avgusta 2024. godine. / from Wednesday, August 14th, 2024.
Rok za predaju ponuda je petak, 06.09.2024. godine do 14 časova. / The deadline is Friday, September 06th 2024 latest by 2 p.m.
Otvaranje ponuda biće organizovano istog dana sa početkom u 14:15 časova u Helpovoj kancelariji u Nišu, ul. Obrenovićeva 36/3, 18000 Niš. / The opening of bids will be organized at the same day starting 2:15 p.m. in the Help Office in Nis, Obrenovićeva St. 36/3, 18000 Niš.
Dodatne informacije mogu se dobiti putem telefona 018/ 252822, ili elektronske pošte helpnis@help-serbia.org.rs / Additional information can be acquired through the telephone number 018/252822, or via email address helpnis@help-serbia.org.rs