
U centru Kikinde tri lokacije predviđene za investicije u sportske i poslovne objekte!

Izvor: VIP Fond Utorak, 10.04.2007. 14:20


The municipality of Kikinda is situated in the northeast part of Vojvodina, near the state border with Romania. Besides the town of Kikinda, there are nine more settlements in the municipality covering a total area of 782 km².

Kikinda is 150 km away from Belgrade International Airport and 100 km from Novi Sad.


Kikinda has 67,002 inhabitants. In addition to majority Serb population, other ethnic groups are also present: Hungarians, Roma, etc. Currently, there are about 10,000 unemployed persons out of totally 46,044 inhabitants of working age.


The municipality of Kikinda is a well-developed industrial region, which plays an important role in the economic development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Republic of Serbia. In municipality of Kikinda manufacturing is of major importance and is largely based on available raw materials, manufacturing capacities and qualified workforce. Industrial production is diverse. Available manufacturing capacities are, predominantly, processing plants with a high level production. The most significant branches of industry are metalworking (“CIMOS”, Slovenia), construction materials (“Toza Markovic”), chemical, retail (“Walther Group”, Germany) food processing (“Banini”,”Firma”), and oil refining industry.


The main traffic routes in the municipality include Zrenjanin-Kikinda-Senta principal road (M-24), and Novi Bečej-Kikinda principal road connecting Vojvodina with Romania. International E 75 motorway is 75 km away from Kikinda. Kikinda is also covered by the well-developed railway network of Vojvodina.


Abundant hunting grounds in the municipality of Kikinda are the basis for the intense growth of tourism. Available hunting and fishing stock are a strategic resource for an overall economic development of the region. The richest hunting ground is the nearby “Mlaka”, a pheasant hunting wildlife preserve visited primarily by the hunters from Italy. Kikinda is also a town of sports, and has a sports center with indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

Location 1

Site: Block 9 – “Staro jezero“, Kikinda

Total area: 91 ha

Type of ownership: 2/3 property belongs to the municipality; 1/3 private property

Intended use: Construction of sports and leisure-time facilities

Site description

The site is adjacent to the town central park, and surrounded by residential buildings.

There is a lake on the site as well as sports and leisure-time facilities.


The site is fully equipped with infrastructure/ utilities, which are in good shape.

It is necessary to construct access roads.

Additional information

Preparation of the required planning and regulatory documentation is underway.

Location 2

Site: Premises of the company “Trikotaža“(textile industry), Kikinda

Total area: 5,118 m2

Structure size: 2,945m2

Type of ownership: Currently used by the company “Trikotaža“(textile manufacturer)

Intended use: Production or business premises

Site description

The site is located in the town centre. There are five completed structures in need of reconstruction on the site. This location is ideal for trade or non-polluting industries.


The site fully equipped with infrastructure/ utilities, which are in good shape.

Additional information

The structures are pledged. The mortgage creditor is the joint-stock company “Vojvođanska banka“(a bank).

Location 3

Site: Parts of blocks 41 and 43, Kikinda

Total area: 19 ha 51 a

Type of ownership: Mixed: municipal property, private property, property of several companies

Intended use: SMEs

Site description

The site stretches along the town transit route (freight traffic). There are 17 residential buildings along the road (the buildings will remain there).


All infrastructure/public utilities stretch to the borderline of the blocks. Following the completion of the required regulatory documentation, construction of infrastructure/ public utilities within the blocks will commence. Completion of work is expected before the end of 2006.

Additional information

Preparation of the required planning and regulatory documentation is underway.


Mr. Branislav Blažić, PhD, Mayor

Address: Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 12, 23300 Kikinda

Tel: + 381 230 22 610

Fax: + 381 230 22 904



or :

Vera Marković, Vojvodina investment promotion Fund VIP / Fond za podršku investicija u Vojvodini – VIP Fond

Tel: ++381 21 472 32 40, 472 32 41

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